Introduction to Blended Learning (online zelfstudie)

Online is er een breed aanbod aan informatie en cursussen die je meer leren over Blended Learning. Bekijk eerst eens de pagina’s hierover op deze icto-site, en daarna kan je je verdiepen in de HvA Digital Society School.


Gaat Blended Leren om het gebruik van ict-middelen of is het meer?

Hoe zien wij als FOO Blended Learning? Wat is het eigenlijk en wat willen we ermee?

Wat is wetenschappelijk bekend over effectieve vormen van blended learning in het hoger onderwijs?

EdTech-courses aanbod Digital Society School

  • Introduction to Blended Learning
    Learn about the role of online and offline (blended) learning and teaching techniques
  • Designing Learning Experiences using the ADDIE Model
    Learn how to assess the value of a learning design model and try your hand at designing a short online unit following the basic principles of the ADDIE model
  • Learners’ Motivation in Online Education
    Learn and identify the external motivation factors in your (corporate) online training environment
  • Differentiation in Online Education
    Learn how to identify the needs of individual learners and employ differentiated instructions to ensure effectiveness of your online teaching
  • Flipped Classroom as a Means to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Engagement
    Learn what a flipped classroom approach is and how to implement it in your teaching practice to improve student motivation and engagement!
  • Online Education: Useful Tools and Applications
    Learn about Technology Enhanced Learning and the impact of gamification on learning, as well as how to identify which tools and applications can be used in your institution
  • Designing Learning Resources for Online Education
    Learn about the role and characteristics of learning materials in online education, and how to adjust traditional materials to support an emergency remote teaching scenario
  • Coaching for Online Discussion Facilitation
    Learn how to apply and evaluate the main strategies for enhancing online discussions
  • Online Education: Conceptual Investigation
    Learn how to define concepts within the domain of online education and evaluate them in the context of your practice
  • Teachers’ Well-Being During Emergency Remote Teaching
    Learn how to balance well-being with the demands of successful online teaching!
  • Online Education: New Roles for Teachers and Students
    Learn to define and reflect on the new roles for teachers and students in online education
  • Online Education: Different Pedagogical Models and Perspectives
    Learn about different online education pedagogical models and identify which one of these could be used by your institution
  • Homeschooling during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Learn how to identify strategies for supporting young learners and how parents can collaborate effectively within an emergency remote teaching context
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